Spherical harmonics operators (fluiddyn.calcul.sphericalharmo
This module requires the C library shtns. To install it, run something like:
./configure --enable-openmp --enable-python
make && make install
- class fluiddyn.calcul.sphericalharmo.EasySHT(lmax=15, mmax=None, mres=1, norm=None, nlat=None, nlon=None, flags=None, polar_opt=1e-08, nl_order=2, radius=6367470.0)[source]
Simple possibilities of shtns.
Less possibilities but very simple to use… It has been written specially for atmospheric applications.
Creation of a default instance:
esh = EasySHT(lmax=15)
- Parameters:
- lmaxnumber {15}
Truncation degree.
- mmax{None, int}
If is None, triangular truncation.
- mres1
Azimutal symmetry coefficient (see shtns documentation).
- norm=shtns.sht_fourpi
For SH with quadratic mean equal to unity.
- nlat{None, int}
If None, computed by shtns to avoid aliasing.
- nlon{None, int}
If None, computed by shtns to avoid aliasing.
- flags{sht_quick_init|SHT_PHI_CONTIGUOUS|SHT_SOUTH_POLE_FIRST, int}
Option flag for shtns.
- polar_opt{1.0e-8, float}
Polar optimization threshold.
- nl_order{2, int}
Nonlinear order of the equations (used to compute nlat and nlon).
- radius{radius_earth, number}
Radius of the sphere (in meters)
In contrast as with shtns, with easypysht the meridional unit vector points towards the North if shtns.SHT_SOUTH_POLE_FIRST is used (this is the default) and it points towards the South if shtns.SHT_SOUTH_POLE_FIRST is not given in flags (thus there is a change of sign in the meridional velocity).
easypysht has been written for atmospheric applications thus some usual notations are used.
Here are some definitions useful to understand the code:
l denotes the degree of the spherical harmonic functions
m denotes the order of the spherical harmonic functions
SH denotes spherical harmonic (spectral array)
spat denotes spatial array
lat denotes latitude
lon denotes longitude
kh denotes horizontal wavenumber
u denotes longitudinal velocity
v denotes meridional velocity (the sign depends on the used base)
hdiv denotes horizontal divergence
hrot denotes vertical vorticity (curl on the sphere)
grad denotes the horizontal gradient
Variables and functions about spectral space array: lmax, mmax, mres, nlm, idx_lm(), l_idx, m_idx, l2_idx
Variables about grid and real space array: nlat, nlon, lats, lons, sin_lats, LATS, LONS
Variables for spectra: l2_l, kh_l
self.sh is the instance of the class sht defined in shtns.py. All functions and variables of this class can be used directly from this instance, for example:
esh.sh.sh_to_point(f_lm, cost, phi)
where t is the colatitude and phi is the longitude.
- create_array_sh(value=None, dtype=<class 'complex'>)[source]
Create an array representing a field in spectral space.
- sh_from_spat(field, field_lm=None)[source]
Spherical harmonic transform.
examples: f_lm = sh_from_spat(f)
or if f_lm already exists: sh_from_spat(f, f_lm)
- chrono_sht(nb_sht=10)[source]
Microbenchmark forward and inverse SHT, and vorticity, divergence <-> u, v transformations.
- uv_from_hdivrotsh(hdiv_lm, hrot_lm, uu=None, vv=None)[source]
u, v from div, rot (u and v are overwritten)
- hdivrotsh_from_uv(uu, vv, hdiv_lm=None, hrot_lm=None)[source]
Compute hdivrotsh from uuvv.
(div_lm and rot_lm are overwritten)
- uv_from_uDuRsh(uD_lm, uR_lm, uu=None, vv=None)[source]
Compute velocities uu, vv from uD, uR (uu and vv are overwritten).
- uDuRsh_from_uv(uu, vv, uD_lm=None, uR_lm=None)[source]
Compute helmholtz decomposition of the velocities from uu, vv. (uD_lm and uR_lm are overwritten).
- hdivrotsh_from_uDuRsh(uD_lm, uR_lm, hdiv_lm=None, hrot_lm=None)[source]
Compute horizontal divergence and vertical vorticity spherical harmonics from velocity vector spherical harmonics (hdiv_lm and hrot_lm are overwritten).
- uDuRsh_from_hdivrotsh(hdiv_lm, hrot_lm, uD_lm=None, uR_lm=None)[source]
Compute velocity vector spherical harmonics from horizontal divergence and vertical vorticity spherical harmonics (uD_lm and uR_lm are overwritten).
- gradf_from_fsh(f_lm, gradf_lon=None, gradf_lat=None)[source]
gradf from fsh.
Compute the gradient of a function f from its spherical harmonic coeff f_lm (gradf_lon and gradf_lat are overwritten)
- sum_wavenumbers(field_lm)[source]
Convenient function to look more like a pseudo-spectral Operators
Simple possibilities of shtns. |