Utilities to build documentations with sphinx
The documentations of the packages of the Fluiddyn project are built and hosted by Readthedocs (by the way, thank you to the readthedocs people!).
- fluiddoc.on_rtd
Boolean telling whether the code is being run on readthedocs server.
- fluiddoc.mock_modules(modules)[source]
Mock modules (for example for building a documentation)
mock_modules(( 'h5py', 'h5netcdf', 'pyfftw', 'theano', 'reikna.cluda', 'reikna.fft', 'reikna.transformations'))
Handle ipython notebooks (fluiddoc.ipynb_maker) |
fluidnbstripout utility |
fluiddocset utility: Generate docsets compatible with Zeal and Dash Docset is an easy to use offline documentation format. Different applications such as Zeal (Linux, Windows) and Dash (Mac OS) are available to load such docsets. Read more about generating docsets here. |
Sphinx extension providing a new directive mathmacro |
Mock modules (for example for building a documentation) |