% FluidDyn documentation master file, created by % sphinx-quickstart on Sun Mar 2 12:15:31 2014. # FluidDyn documentation ```{raw} html

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``` The FluidDyn project aims at promoting the use of open-source Python software in research in fluid dynamics. The project provides some Python packages specialized for different tasks, in particular - [Transonic](http://transonic.readthedocs.org), to make your Python code fly at transonic speeds! - [Fluidfft](http://fluidfft.readthedocs.org) for 2D and 3D Fast Fourier Transforms, - [Fluidsim](http://fluidsim.readthedocs.org) for numerical simulations, - [Fluidlab](http://fluidlab.readthedocs.org) for laboratory experiments, - [Fluidimage](http://fluidimage.readthedocs.io) for processing of images of fluid, - [Fluidsht](http://fluidsht.readthedocs.org) for Spherical Harmonic Transforms. - [Formattex](https://foss.heptapod.net/fluiddyn/formattex) and [Formatbibtex](https://foss.heptapod.net/fluiddyn/formatbibtex) for Latex This documentation presents the FluidDyn project and the package of the same name, which is the base package on which the other packages depend on. For the specific documentations of these specialized packages, follow the links above. We try to gather information on how to use computers in the website [Fluidhowto](https://fluidhowto.readthedocs.io). ```{toctree} --- caption: The FluidDyn project maxdepth: 1 --- intro-motivations advice_on_Python ``` ## Metapaper and citation If you use any of the FluidDyn packages to produce scientific articles, please cite [our metapaper presenting the FluidDyn project and the fluiddyn package](https://openresearchsoftware.metajnl.com/articles/10.5334/jors.237/): ``` @article{fluiddyn, doi = {10.5334/jors.237}, year = {2019}, publisher = {Ubiquity Press, Ltd.}, volume = {7}, author = {Pierre Augier and Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan and Cyrille Bonamy}, title = {{FluidDyn}: A Python Open-Source Framework for Research and Teaching in Fluid Dynamics by Simulations, Experiments and Data Processing}, journal = {Journal of Open Research Software} } ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: User Guide of the fluiddyn package maxdepth: 2 --- install tutorials/overview tutorials ``` ### API Reference Here is a presentation of the API of the fluiddyn package. If you are looking for a particular feature, you can also use the "Quick search" tool in this page. ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ fluiddyn.io fluiddyn.util fluiddyn.clusters fluiddyn.output fluiddyn.calcul ``` Fluiddyn also provides a small package for documentation: ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ fluiddoc ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: More maxdepth: 1 --- changes advice_developers code-of-conduct to_do authors miscellaneous ``` ### Links - [Forge of the FluidDyn project on Heptapod](https://foss.heptapod.net/fluiddyn) - [Forge of the fluiddyn package on Heptapod](https://foss.heptapod.net/fluiddyn/fluiddyn) - [FluidDyn in PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/fluiddyn/) - [FluidDyn project blog](https://fluiddyn.bitbucket.io/) - FluidDyn user chat room in [riot](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#fluiddyn-users:matrix.org) or [slack](https://fluiddyn.slack.com) - [FluidDyn mailing list](https://www.freelists.org/list/fluiddyn) - [FluidDyn on Twitter](https://twitter.com/pyfluiddyn) - [FluidDyn on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPhRtVq1v4HtcecEdEOcXBw) # Indices and tables - {ref}`genindex` - {ref}`modindex` - {ref}`search`